
Web Development gif
Web Development

We specialise in building website using open source CMS systems likeWordPress(php), DotCMS(Java) and Orchard(Asp.Net). Depending on your requirements we will be happy to develop your website using any of the above CMS Systems. We also specialise in Single Page Application development using Angular JS, Kendo UI etc.

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Mobile App Development

We specialise in developing apps using X-Platform app development tool called Xamarin. This will enable you to share code between IOS and Android there by reducing development time and money in this process. We also develop apps in native platform specific languages like Objective-C and Java if required by the client.

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Offshore Team

Our OffshoreTeam product provides you with a development team to work on whatever you need.They will work closely with you to understand your requirements and make sure that the team delivers what you need.As the team works remotely, there is no need for you to provide office space, desks or equipment. This helps to keep your costs to a minimum.

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